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Australia's Medical Marijuana Company Phytotech Dreams Big In Upcoming IPO

Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:14 am by Admin

Register 445213-a-participant-practices-rolling-a-joint-at-the-cannabis-carnivalus-4-2
Investors may be flocking to Australia's first initial …

Comments: 1

Legalising medical cannabis: lessons from Canada’s policies

Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:39 am by Admin

Register Image-20141127-13289-7fsecs
A bill to permit medical cannabis use in Australia is set for …

Comments: 0

Florida medical marijuana supporters will try again on 2016 ballot

Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:42 pm by Admin

Register Medical-marijuana-2016_14285149_8col
The group that put medical marijuana on the Florida ballot this year — and fell just short of …

Comments: 0

Medical marijuana: Tasmania rejects call for immediate decriminalisation

Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:59 pm by Admin

Register Ff722453-192e-4b25-80c7-f0d7bbe2c0b0-460x276
The Tasmanian government has rejected the recommendation of an …

Comments: 0

SANCWG and iCannabis to lodge complaint with Human Rights Commission

Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:45 pm by Admin

The South African National Cannabis Working Group and iCannabis are in the process of lodging a complaint with the South African Human Rights Commission regarding the availability of medical cannabis …

Comments: 0

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Current date/time is Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:12 am

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  1. Participation in the iCannabis Patient Nexus (hereafter "the Nexus") constitutes agreement to the following guidelines, which apply to posts, profile information, avatars, signatures, any other content on this site and participation in general.

  2. The Nexus is an online community forum for South African patients who wish to discuss medical cannabis and will facilitate the involvement of interested patients and doctors alike. That being said, no medical advice should be taken from this forum without consulting a registered doctor first. There are circumstances where conventional treatments are the best available options for treatment and patients should be warned that delaying in receiving such treatments may lead to further complications.

  3. Because of the live nature of the discussions on this community, it is not possible for us to review and/or confirm the accuracy or validity of a message before it is posted. If you believe that someone has violated our User Guidelines or you have spotted content that may otherwise require attention, please send a private message to an admin member with a link to the content and a brief description of what you believe is wrong. Notification is voluntary and anonymous, but in no case should a user respond to a situation personally, thereby aggravating the situation further. Responding to a violation in an inflammatory manner is a violation in itself and will result in appropriate action.

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  5. Cross posting is not allowed and will result in the removal of one or more posts. Cross posting is defined as posting the same information in two or more locations. When posting your topic, please try to post it in the most appropriate place within the organizational structure of our community. Identical topics posted in the same or different forums will be removed. Staff reserve the right to move incorrectly placed topics/posts to a more appropriate location. The website is to remain structured and clutter free to make interaction and knowledge sharing between patient possible.

  6. Attempts to artificially increase your post count are prohibited. This includes the mass creation of short or meaningless posts. When participating in threads please do not post consecutive replies within a short period of time.

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  9. You may only post a link to your site/a site that you are in some way affiliated with if the link specifically answers the question that is being asked and the answer cannot be simply posted without the link. Even then, link directly to the page where the information can be found. General and unnecessary links will be tagged as advertising.

  10. You are not allowed to post an affiliate URL that leads to you earning cash, banner impressions, credits, points, etc.

  11. Do not post personal, real-life information such as home addresses and home phone numbers. The Staff at all times respect and promote patient confidentiality and will not release any confidential patient information without prior approval. We however can’t be held liable for consequences sprouting out of the public release of such information by yourself and members of this forum. Members are prohibited from posting other members’ private details.

  12. As this is an English-speaking community, we require that posted content be in the English language, so that it can be well received and properly monitored.

  13. Vulgar language and inappropriate material is not allowed and will be removed. Abbreviations, self censoring, and attempts to circumvent the word censoring feature of the community software also violate this guideline. If your post contains a word that is censored by the software, you must remove that word or the post will be removed. If you feel that the censor is acting in error, please contact us.

  14. We try to maintain a family friendly atmosphere whenever it is possible within the main subject matter of this community. Please keep this in mind when participating.

  15. When linking to outside websites, you must ensure that the content of the link is appropriate for our community, in line with the guidelines laid out here. This includes mentioning or referencing a site, even if the mention is not hyperlinked. If you post a link and that link is automatically censored, it is considered to be an inappropriate link and you should remove it from your post immediately. If left, all posts that feature inappropriate links will be removed.

  16. Discussions must be kept on topic. This website is meant to serve as a platform for meaningful discussions about medical cannabis amongst patient and doctor members. Off-topic threads and posts may be removed. Likewise, strong political and religious sentiments should be kept out of profiles, signatures, and other content.

  17. Do not post copyrighted materials (articles, videos, audio, etc.) that you do not have permission to reproduce or distribute. For text articles, most of the time you may quote a small portion of the article (usually no more than 1/5 or 1/6) and you must link to the source (if online) or provide the source (if offline). Posting the entire article, even with the source, constitutes copyright infringement.

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  19. You must respect your fellow members. Please refrain from inflammatory and defamatory comments as well as flaming, taunting, and general disrespect. Do not simply put down the opinion or advice given by others. If you don't agree with it, say why - respectfully. Don't just tell them they're wrong. Do not make uninvited remarks about typos, duplicate posts, posting styles, etc.

  20. When an opinion-based discussion is being had, do not state things like "there is no argument" as if your opinion is the only one or the only one that matters. When someone has clearly stated their opinion, do not say things like "Are you serious?" and "Are you kidding me?" Remember, this is not a debate club. This is a friendly discussion community. Allow people to have their opinion. No one is to act as some sort of opinion judge, responding to each one to say whether they agree with it or not or whether or not it is a valid, well thought out opinion.

  21. We do not allow threads to be started to discuss who or what is the most overrated, who or what is your least favorite, etc.

  22. Signatures are limited to 3 lines of text. This includes blank lines. No images. The text in the signature may be customized by the BBCode in use on the forums. It is recommended that you stick with readable fonts and colors and that the size is not too large. You may mention websites and ventures that you are in some way related to, as long as they are otherwise appropriate for this community. Focus on things that you like, not things that you don't.

  23. Each user is allowed to create one account.

  24. Automated account creation, participation, and content scraping is not permitted.

  25. We know that people will have to leave our community (of their own free will or otherwise) from time to time and to that end, we do not delete accounts, posts, or other content posted on our community. All content is granted to us with perpetual electronic publishing rights because any content posted on this community becomes a part of the community, even if you no longer are. You may request an item to be removed at any time, but we will decide when and if to remove content from our community. If you wish to no longer be identified with our community, we will be glad to close your account and alter your profile information to remove all identifying characteristics. After account closure, you will no longer be able to participate in this community and this action is not reversible.

  26. The Admins have the final say on anything. If you have a problem, you may make a complaint to them directly and not publicly on the website. Creating threads or posts that question or reference administrative decisions or potential administrative decisions, such as post removals and thread closures, is not permitted. We are not perfect and if you feel that we have made a mistake, please privately contact a staff member and we will review the situation.

  27. Whenever you are participating in this community, please keep in mind that we strive to create a fun, friendly and inviting atmosphere. So, please have fun and enjoy the forums!

  28. If a user violates our guidelines and shows a disregard for them, our staff and our community, they run the risk of losing their account. We reserve the right to deactivate any account and to edit or remove any content without warning. These guidelines are subject to change at any time without notice.

  29. Do you have a question about our User Guidelines or anything else? Do you have a suggestion? Do you want to offer some feedback? Or are you experiencing some trouble with the site? Well, no matter what it is, please do not hesitate to contact the Admin Staff and we will be glad to help in any way that we can.

  30. Thank you for visiting iCannabis Patient Nexus.